Dress for the Occasion: College Graduation

Dress Code Tips for College Graduation Ceremonies

college-graduation-fashion-dress-code-tipsA lot of people wonder how they should dress for their college graduation. In fact, this is one of the most common questions that fashion experts receive around this time of year. After all, you want to look as good as possible on your graduation day, as there’s a good chance you’ll be the subject of a great deal of pictures. The fact is, however, dressing for a graduation isn’t as straightforward as many people might think; it requires quite a bit of thought to pull off correctly. This is not to say that it’s exceptionally difficult, however, and all you really have to do is take the time to understand what works and what does not. So long as you take all of the following tips to heart, you’ll be sure to look your very best when graduation rolls around.

“School Appropriate” Dress
One of the most important things that you can take into consideration when striving to stress for your college graduation in an effective manner is the type of school that you go to. A lot of people don’t realize that what you might wear for graduation at one school might be quite a bit different than what you would wear at another. For example, those who are graduating from law school need to do everything in their power to look their absolute best, as they’ll look dramatically out of place otherwise; in this case, a suit is essential. If you are graduating from a liberal arts college, however, you may be able to get away with a dress shirt and khakis, tied off with a pair of boat shoes.

Stay Cool
One thing that a lot of people don’t take into consideration when it comes to dressing for a college graduation is just how important it is to stay as cool as possible. Graduation day can be exceptionally hot; anyone who goes to school in a temperate climate can relate. Staying cool means wearing clothing that is airy and breathable; chunky knits and other heavy materials need not apply. If the school you go to allows you to wear casual attire to such an event, you’ll do well with a breathable polo paired with khakis. Just be sure that this is the norm for your school, as you’re likely to look out of place otherwise.

Avoid School Colors/Clothes
A lot of people think that graduation is the perfect time to throw on school colors or logo clothes. While it may be tempting to do so, you’ll be shooting yourself in the foot if you take this route. The fact is, school colors/clothing most often look rather cheesy when worn at school events, and are better suited for wearing after you’ve graduated and left school. While you may think you’ll be supporting your school by wearing its colors to graduation, you won’t be doing yourself any favors in terms of your own individual style. Be sure to make a note of this when choosing what to wear for your graduation.

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