Get in Shape for Skinny Jeans

Get Your Thighs Skinny-Jeans-Approved

skinny-jean-fashion-tipFor a lot of guys, the concept of fitting into skinny jeans is something that seems positively impossible. This is especially true for those who don’t consider themselves to be in particularly good shape. The fact is, however, you don’t have to be a model to wear skinny jeans and still look good. Skinny jeans can be very attractive when worn correctly, making it a real shame that so many people believe doing so to be outside of their reach. So long as you take the following tips, that are part of our Fitness, Health, and Fashion Series, into consideration, you should have little to no problems fitting into skinny jeans if you are of average build.

Focus On Your Thighs
One of the main reasons why so many people find skinny jeans to look “wrong” on them comes down to having excessive amounts of fat around the thighs. It’s true that thick thighs can make skinny jeans a poor option for wear, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything about it. Running on a treadmill or elliptical, for example, can help to burn fat in your thighs, and is also a great way to increase cardiovascular health. In addition, squats and hip abduction exercises will help to tone your thighs, and can be done practically anywhere in just a few minutes worth of time. The more effort you put into toning your thighs and cutting out fat, the better a pair of skinny jeans will look on you.

Stick to Complex Carbohydrates
Everyone loves carbs, but not everyone can afford to eat them as much as they’d like. Simple carbohydrates (white rice, for example) are converted into sugars once they enter the body, which can easily contribute to thigh fat. Complex carbs, (brown rice, wheat pasta) on the other hand, retain a great deal of nutrients and do not simply break down into sugar in the same manner as the alternative. Switching to complex carbohydrates doesn’t have to be difficult, as there are a great deal of different options to choose from. Combined with a thorough exercise regimen, you’ll be well on your way to toning your thighs by making the switch.

Look for Skinny Jeans that Utilize Spandex
Most people don’t think of spandex when denim comes to mind, but it’s close to essential in skinny jeans. Skinny jeans that feature spandex can stretch more easily than those that do not, allowing the pants to contour to your body effectively. Many varieties of skinny jeans are produced like this, and you can tell whether or not there is spandex in a given pair by the way they feel when you put them on. If there is no “give” whatsoever when you try on a pair of jeans, the material is likely not included. Spandex can also make wearing a pair of skinny jeans far more comfortable than it might be otherwise, and can help to show off a lean physique in the best manner possible. A simple search online will help you to determine which brands use spandex in their jeans and which do not.

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