Presidential Fashion as Seen on House of Cards’ Garrett Walker

Presidential Fashion as Seen on House of Cards’ Character Garrett Walker

The Netflix series House of Cards is gaining a great deal of steam as it continues to impress viewers. Not only is this Netflix’s first attempt at showing an exclusive series, but the acting and directing is top notch by all accounts. Garrett Walker is the name of the President of the United States in House of Cards, played by Michael Gill. While Gill may not exactly be a household name, he’s sure to gain some traction after more people begin to watch the series. The Walker character not only makes a confident president, but he happens to be extremely well-dressed also. A well-dressed president is a necessity in a series such as this, and director David Fincher got it right when casting Gill. Here are just a few things to think about when considering Garrett Walker’s look.

House of Cards’ director David Fincher did an excellent job in creating a presidential-like wardrobe for his character Garrett Walker. The well fitted suits are modern while still conservative. We also applaud the simplicity of the look. Accessories are kept minimal – an effective way to create a very professional persona.

A Younger Take on Presidential Fashion
President Obama has been both praised and criticised for the way that he dresses, but there’s one thing that is difficult to debate; he brings a youthful sense of fashion to the white house. The same can be said for Gill’s Garrett Walker character, which is perhaps one of the reason why the character is such an effective part of the show. Walker’s suits fit like a dream; slim, yet still holding onto classic elements that are difficult to ignore. He tends to wear a relatively thick tie, which adds nice contrast to his slim-fitting suits. If every president dressed like this, it’s fair to say that the white house would be a different place.

Nothing Too Flashy
As a president, it’s got to be difficult to decide whether or not to accessorize. In many cases, presidents simply don’t have a choice but to keep things sparse and avoid anything that might be taken as being overly flashy. Garrett Walker fits into this concept nicely, typically wearing no accessories other than his standard tie and an American flag lapel pin (much in the same vein as Obama). The result is a believable look that gives the show even more credibility; a smart move on the part of the director.

Takeaways for the Modern Man
If you’re going to wear a suit every day, you owe it to yourself to keep things as youthful as possible. A slim-fitting suit can be very effective in such a case, and this style is quite popular these days. Don’t forget to leave the majority of your accessories at home, as you don’t want to take things over the top in terms of flash. Acceptable accessories for a traditional business look are: neckties, cufflinks, wristwatch.

Other Styles Seen on House of Cards:
Frank Underwood’s Style
Style of Doug Stampers

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